Monday, February 15, 2010


最近在读着几本书,书里都在强调做人不可以失去的其中一个元素就是人情味。 相信人情味这个词对大家来说并不陌生,可是为什么看过的几本书都在讲诉这个年代缺乏人情味呢? 所谓的人情味到底长什么样子? 经过多天的思考,还是无法把抽象的人情味具体的表达出来,发现自己其实也不太明白。直到在电影院看了本地首次制作的中文电影大日子,我似乎感觉到了这难以描述的人情味,当中还包含了其他如:甜,酸,苦 ,家乡和传统 不同的风味。这些味道都被电影里每位角色平凡的生活赤裸裸的呈现出来。戏里头并没有酷酷的英雄,更没有任何的大人物角色,剧情没有牵涉到国家大事,讲诉的只是几位在社会上不起眼的小人物,如何为了自己生活的尊严,自己的家人,自己的梦想打拼。每位角色背后的故事,打拼的过程中,然后凑在一起成为舞虎队,整个过程就好像一锅人生火锅,可品尝出甜,酸,苦的人生味道。

大日子这部电影让我印象最深刻的一幕就是当Ah Beng 一伙人因为被欺骗而打算返回k.L 时,Rain把零钱从小抱枕倒出来的那刻。那小妹妹单纯的一个动机而产生的动作 (因为他们想看舞虎,而舞虎的k.L人爱钱,所以把自己的钱偷偷送给他们,希望他们留下),对Rain 本人却是一个人格的讽刺,讽刺着这个除了钱就看不到其他东西,缺乏人情味的人。小妹妹并不了解自己所给的钱,在他们生活需求中是多么的微不足道,只知道将出自己的全部付出,这一幕看了让我心里有一股酸的感觉,为Rain感觉到非常的惭愧, 非常感动。

对这部电影我有些意见,第一就是剧情发展得有些快,村民与舞虎队员温馨接触戏少了一点,幸好在舞虎队决定放弃舞虎离开时,演员悲伤与不舍的演技成功的把戏里缺少的温馨接触戏给补上。虽然他们共同的经历与感情的发展可以被他们的演技衔接起来,可是身为观众的我还是希望 可以看到多一些这样的情节。除此之外,舞虎演出后以广告的到了财富与知名度让我觉得把文化看得有点商业化,这个苦尽甘来的点子有点破坏了味口。舞虎队最后也为这些“成功”引以为傲,Rain 的生意从此增加不少,他们的成功就好像中奖一样,因为被厂商看中而成功。 这段拜师的宝贵经验如何成为他们各自人生的转累点,却没有被好好的呈现出来,成为这部电影的遗憾之一。

以上只不过是本人的一些意见及看法,整部戏我非常喜欢,电影的取镜很大马凤,并不会感觉到有外国电影的影子。之前看了Avartar 仿佛认识了戏里描述的星球,大日子看了感觉好像放了一星期的假,带我们到kuantan 度假,里头感受到很舒服的阳光,沙滩,鸟声和乡村生活。戏里的情节一直牵动着我们的心情,就好像自己和大家完成了舞虎一样。我为这部大马制作的本地电影骄傲,我为你们有如完成舞虎般完成这部好电影而骄傲,谢谢你们把你们对文化与艺术坚持的精神,以舞虎的故事讲给我们听。继续加油!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


人天生本来就是喜欢整齐,干净,没有人会希望自己活在肮脏且恶劣的环境。但是希望和现实往往是两回事,现实中,很多人都没办法好好整理自己的家里,房间和净房,每天就睡在凌乱的房间里。我就是以上所描述的其中一位,本人其实很爱整齐,并且享受干净,可是自己却每有把自己打理好,只要手扫过房间任何一样东西,都可以抹到灰尘。因此,心里的矛盾就产生了。收拾房间的例子其实是用来表达我现在生活上所面对的状况。我爱进步,我爱成长,就好像我爱干净一样,懈怠让我的人变得每有力量,每天活在每有进步,凌乱的生活,就好像长时间睡在充满灰尘的房间里,让人昏昏沉沉。久而久之,心里对自己对生命的妥协感到非常愤怒,对自己没有争取心里一直向往的所有东西感到白思不解,到底是缺少了什么? 管理能力? 计划? 行动? 还是时间?

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I am currently at final semester of engineering course, and i am looking for internship. In the process of seeking for job, i feel like i am still now ready to work yet. I have difficulties in writting cover letter and resume, I have problem putting my thought in words. These are the things that i have to sort it out. 3 more months to the end of my degree program, that is when i need to move out from my comfort zone, no more shelter, can't believe i can move so far. I have discussed a lot with my senior regarding on working life and future. Some of them, without proper planing, end up with all the regrets. In order not to have the same path as them, now i trying very hard to think about my future, what i want to be, what to achieve in the next 5 years. I kind of lost, dont really know how to define success. Confuse.....Anyway, I think this is part of our life and i enjoy being in situation like least i am alive, the effort of seeking,searching,and trying to know is overwhelming.....Hope i have sufficient energy and determination complete what i seek for....

Monday, March 13, 2006

Thursday, March 09, 2006


When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes
I all alone beweep my outcast state,
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,
And look upon myself, and curse my fate,
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featured like him, like him with friends possessed,
Desiring this man's art, and that man's scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least;
Yet in these thoughts my self almost despising,
Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
Like to the lark at break of day arisingFrom sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate;For thy sweet love remembered such wealth bringsThat then I scorn to change my state with kings

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


After a week of university life, i finally realise that university llife is not as easy as i thought. This is basically because i dont really understand what the hell my math lecture talking about. He keep on talking to himself and give no time for us to think and process as he move his power point slide with the speed of 100000000 km/hr..........
this is how i feel.......
This is how i look like when i reach home
when understand nothing during my math lecture, i will look at my lecture like that with all the question mark on top of my head

Monday, February 27, 2006


A life cycle of a butterfly is similar to human's. The evolution of a caterpillar to a butterfly is just excatly like the feeling of a college student entering a university life..........

from a catterpillar


from Sunway college


Monash university